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Our Story

We’ve loved every minute of our journey

An Idea Is Born

 Everyone is an individual and their circumstances may also reflect their individuality.  At CTS  we believe that a person  has strengths that at times are overlooked by the difficulties the person is experiencing.  The aim is to equip the person to reflect upon, and see, their situations from a different perspective and to continue in their life journey equipped with additional tools.  This is beneficial for those individuals seeking therapy or for those that are supporting the person or their environment.


At CTS our experience helps us to cater for all ages and adapt the therapeutic approaches based on the person's cognition and their maturity. We combine therapeutic tools during therapy sessions as we have found, it has provided the best results. 


The sessions are engaging and adapted to meet the person's needs. Some of the sessions offered to children,  young people and people with an intellectual disability involve creative forms, from art to musical expressions.   

The sessions can also be delivered in outdoor settings  or in other community venues if this will assist the therapeutic process.


Our group inhouse programs have been developed in consultation with other Allied Health Professionals and  advances in technology, with the main focus of growing the person's strengths. 



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